- Veritas: BarryHisBlog: Notes From A Misspent Retirement
A Misspent Retirement.. How my inquiries into human nature led me to evolutionary psychology and the discovery that evolution-denial is still a thing so many years after its acceptance by the scientific community.
- About Me
- But Why is Evolutionary Science Vitally Important? - A Personal View
- Can Race Be Erased?
- Evolution: Its Acceptance Amongst Prominent Christians
- Veritas: Barry's Recommended Reading List
- Veritas: Can race be erased?
- Veritas: Evo-phobia
- Veritas: Human Nature
- Veritas: Imagine
- Veritas: Me
- Veritas: Morality
- Veritas: Politics and Sociopathy
- Veritas: Talk Beliefs Interview II
- Why Evolutionary Science Is Vitally Important: A Personal View
- Veritas: Why I use a Blog
- About the Author, Barry Desborough, who has misspent his retirement fighting science-denying creationism.
- Veritas: Thoughts on race and evolution
Various Matters
- Alan Turing
- Giordano Bruno
- Gravity: How sometimes, a false notion can get stuck in your head, and no amount of evidence and reasoning can winkle it out. Sound familiar?
- One World: One Law - Peter Singer
- The Rational Manifesto for One World
- Veritas: "The Atheist" and The Grammar Nazi
- Veritas: The Future of Communications
- Veritas: AI (Artificial Imbeciles)
- Veritas: Belief
- Veritas: Endianness
- Veritas: Ghosts.
- Veritas: Judgement Day
- Veritas: Nicotine
- Veritas: Retard
- Veritas: The Rational Manifesto for One World
- Day Million: A short story by Frederick Pohl.
The ERV FAQ - Endogenous retroviruses - frequently asked questions. ERVs are remnants of viral infections found in the genomes of organisms. The majority of ERVs found in the genomes of humans and chimps, for example, provide proof beyond any reasonable doubt that we share common ancestors.
- The "Phoenix Virus": an explanation of the experiment
- A Simple Explanation - Of Eloi and Morlocks
- Endogenous Retroviruses: A Conversation with Tavian Opaldo. - YouTube
- ERV FAQ: But how can you rule out design as an explanation?
- ERV FAQ: Could you have this backwards? Maybe ERVs are designed-in variation inducing genetic elements (VIGEs)?
- ERV FAQ: David DeWitt at AiG says ERVs do not line up with the expected evolutionary progression. What gives?
- ERV FAQ: Don't retroviruses target particular locations in the DNA? Doesn't this explain corresponding ERVs?
- ERV FAQ: ERVs are essential in reproduction (syncytin and the formation of the placenta). How can this be?
- ERV FAQ: ERVs do stuff. Doesn't that prove that they didn't originate from retroviruses, but were designed?
- ERV FAQ: ERVs promote the transcription of host DNA. Doesn't this prove they are designed?
- ERV FAQ: Hasn't the evolutionists' story been debunked by evolution deniers?
- ERV FAQ: How could a species survive a massive invasion of retroviruses into its genome?
- ERV FAQ: How could ERVs survive programmed cell death (apoptosis)?
- ERV FAQ: How many ERVs are shared, in common DNA loci, in the genomes of humans and chimps?
- ERV FAQ: Isn't this just circular reasoning, assuming evolution to 'prove' evolution?
- ERV FAQ: Superinfection Exclusion. How can, and why do, ERVs protect us from retroviruses?
- ERV FAQ: The same ERV has been found in two species that evolutionists say are very distantly related. How is this possible?
- ERV FAQ: What are Long Terminal Repeats (LTRs)? How do these retroviral markers provide yet more evidence for evolution?
- ERV FAQ: What if we find an ERV in a common location in chimpanzees and gorillas, but not in humans?
- ERV FAQ: What is the case for common descent from ERVs?
- ERV FAQ: What's all this about the "Phoenix Virus"? Sounds like a Michael Crichton science fiction story!
- ERV FAQ: Why do virologists and geneticists conclude that ERVs come from retroviruses? Isn't that just supposition on their part?
- ERVs: What if we find an ERV in a common locus in chimps and gorillas, but not in humans?
- ERVs: What's all this about the "Phoenix Virus"? A fully replication competent retrovirus resurrected from our own genomes? Sounds like a Michael Crichton science fiction story! (1)
- ERVs: Aren't ERVs designed to protect against viral infection? Superinfection exclusion
- ERVs: Aren't the same ERV genetics in corresponding DNA loci in different species because they have to do the same job? (1)
- ERVs: Don't retroviruses target particular locations in the DNA? Doesn't this explain corresponding ERVs?
- ERVs: Just how many ERVs are shared, in common locations, in the genomes of humans and chimps?
- ERVs: But isn't this all just circular reasoning, assuming evolution to 'prove' evolution?
- ERVs: ERVs do stuff. Doesn't that prove that they didn't originate from retroviruses, but were designed?
- ERVs: Long terminal repeats (LTRs). How these retroviral markers provide yet more information on evolutionary history.
- ERVs: Why do virologists and geneticists conclude that ERVs descend from retroviruses and why do creationists ignore all this?
- ERVs: ERVs promote the transcription of host DNA. Doesn't this prove they are designed?
- ERVs: Aren't ERVs designed to protect against viral infection? Superinfection exclusion
- ERVs: ERVs are essential in reproduction. How can this be?
- ERVs: But how can you rule out design as an explanation for ERVs? A challenge for creationists and ID spotters.
- ERVs: But how could a species survive such a massive invasion of retroviruses into its genome?
- ERVs: But isn't this all just circular reasoning, assuming evolution to 'prove' evolution?
- ERVs: Could you have this backwards? Maybe retroviruses come from designed-in variation inducing genetic elements (VIGEs)? (1)
- ERVs: Haven't the same ERVs been found in species that are said to be distantly related?
- ERVs: Of Eloi and Morlocks. A simple explanation of ERVs and why they are important evidence for common ancestry - H.G. Wells' The Time Machine'
- ERVs: Of Eloi and Morlocks. A simple explanation of ERVs and why they are important evidence for common ancestry - H.G. Wells' The Time Machine' (1)
- ERVs: Proof of Evolution (An Executive Summary)
- ERVs: So how could ERVs survive programmed cell death (apoptosis)?
- ERVs: The "Not Junk" Anti-ERV Defence. The dishonesty of fabricating a strawman argument and attacking it.
- ERVs: The "Phoenix Virus": An explanation of the experiment.
- ERVs: The Koala's Tale. How an exogenous and endogenous virus (KoRV) confirms the viral origin of ERVs.
- ERVs: The Koala's Tale. How an exogenous and endogenous virus (KoRV) confirms the viral origin of ERVs.
- ERVs: The Natural History of Retroviruses. Liu and Soper of AiG debunked by fellow creationist, Todd Wood.
- ERVs: What is the case for common descent from ERVs? A summary in a nutshell.
- ERVs: Yet qnother attempt to answer the questions an ERV design hypothesis raises
- Proof of Evolution from ERVs: The Concise Executive Version
- Veritas: Human Evolution: Genes, Genealogies and Phylogenies, By Graeme Finlay
- Veritas: Is the Evidence from ERVs Falsifiable?
- Veritas: Long Terminal Repeats (LTRs)
- Veritas: Retroviruses for Dummies
- Veritas: Talk Beliefs Interview. Mark Torrender talks with yours truly.
- Veritas: VIGEs
- Veritas: We Need to Talk About Integrase (With Apologies to Lionel Shriver)
More on ERVs
- Evidence for the Evolutionary Model - ERVs
- Book: Human Evolution - Graeme Finlay
- Veritas: ERV FAQ: Other articles on ERVs
- Veritas: The Koala's Tale
- A retrovirus is invading the Koala genome | Virology Blog
- Endogenous Retroviruses: A Conversation with Tavian Opaldo. - YouTube
- ERVs: Long terminal repeats (LTRs). How these retroviral markers provide yet more information on evolutionary history.
- ERVs: Long terminal repeats (LTRs). How these retroviral markers provide yet more information on evolutionary history. (1)
Creationist and "Intelligent Design" Attempts to Firefight the Proof of Evolution from ERVs
- "Do Shared ERVs Support Common Ancestry? - Jonathan McLatchie @ Evolution "News"
- "Waste Not: Research Finds that “Far from Junk DNA,” ERVs Perform “Critical Cellular Functions”" - Unidentified Blogger @ Evolution "News"
- "“Large Scale” Function for Endogenous Retroviruses: Intelligent Design Prediction Fulfilled While Another Darwinist Argument Bites the Dust" - Casey Luskin @ Evolution "news".
- "A Common Design View of ERVs Encourages Scientific Investigation" - Dr. Anjeanette Roberts @ Reasons to Believe
- "Do koalas prove that humans got part of their DNA from viruses?" - Matthew Cserhati @ Creation Ministries International
- "Endogenous Retroviruses" - Dr. Sean DeVere Pitman, M.D., Detecting Design
- “Evolution's Best Argument Has Become Its Worst Nightmare” - Brian Thomas @ the Institute for Creation Research
- "Gorilla Genome is Bad News for Evolution." - Tompkins @ the ICR
- "Human Endogenous Retroviruses (HERVs) - Evolutionary “Junk” or God’s Tools?" - Georgia Purdom @ AiG
- =====Theology: Judgement Day=====
- "Junk No Longer: ERVs Are “Integral” and “Important Components” of Immune Responses" - Casey Luskin @ Evolution 'News'
- "Large scale function for ‘endogenous retroviruses’" - Shaun Doyle @ Creation Ministries International
- "Questioning Evolutionary Presuppositions about Endogenous Retroviruses" - Dr. Anjeanette Roberts @ Reasons to Believe
- "The Natural History of Retroviruses" - Yingguang Liu and Charles Soper @ AiG, debunked by fellow creationist, Todd Wood
- "The Search for Adam and Eve" - Jonathan McLatchie @ His blog
- "Toppling Another Evolutionary Icon, ENCODE Data Suggests Endogenous Retroviruses Are Functional" - Casey Luskin @ Evolution News and Views
- "Viral Genome Junk Hits the Trash" - More Trash from our Jeff @ The Institute for Creation Research
- "Viral Genome Junk Is Bunk" - Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D. @ the Institute for Creation Research
- "Were Retroviruses Created Good?" - Yingguang Liu @ AiG (Answers in Genesis).
- Do Endogenous Retroviral Sequences (ERVs) Prove Evolution? - 'Evolution Dismantled'
- Does Dr. Andrew Fabich have the worst ERV argument? - Peaceful Science
- ERV’s [sic] Utterly Debunked
- ERVs; Junk No Longer - Casey Luskin @EvolutionNews (1)
- ERVs: Anjeanette Roberts On "A Common Design View of ERVs Encourages Scientific Investigation" @ Reasons to Believe (1)
- ERVs: “Evolution's Best Argument Has Become Its Worst Nightmare” by Brian Thomas of the “Institute for Creation Research” (1)
- ERVs: Another attempt at answering my design questions by "Flambeau Flambeaux". (1)
- ERVs: David DeWitt at Anwers in Genesis says ERVs do not line up with the expected evolutionary progression.
- ERVs: Dismantling the Best Evidence for Common Descent. A book by the Beavis and Butthead of creationism.
- ERVs: Do Endogenous Retroviral Sequences (ERVs) Prove Evolution? Yes, they do!
- ERVs: Do koalas prove that humans got part of their DNA from viruses? - Matthew Cserhati @ Creation Ministries International
- ERVs: Do koalas prove that humans got part of their DNA from viruses? - Matthew Cserhati @ Creation Ministries International
- ERVs: Do Shared ERVs Support Common Ancestry? from Evolution "News"
- ERVs: Endogenous Retroviruses - Pitman @ DetectingDesign, also getting it wrong
- ERVs: Endogenous Retroviruses - Pitman @ DetectingDesign, also getting it wrong
- ERVs: Evolutionary “Junk” or God’s Tools? - Georga Purdom @ Answers in Genesis
- ERVs: From Jonathan McLatchie, "The Search for Adam and Eve"
- ERVs: Gorilla Genome is Bad News for Evolution. Tompkins @ the ICR getting it wrong again
- ERVs: Haven't the same ERVs been found in species that are said to be distantly related?
- ERVs: Large scale function for ‘endogenous retroviruses’ - Doyle @ CMI
- ERVs: Large Scale Function for ‘endogenous retroviruses’. - Shaun Doyle @ Creation Ministries International
- ERVs: Large Scale Function for Endogenous Retroviruses - Luskin @ EvolutionNews
- ERVs: On incredulity that so many ERVs have become fixed (ubiquitous) in our genomes (1)
- ERVs: Questioning Evolutionary Presuppositions about Endogenous Retroviruses - Dr. Anjeanette Roberts @ Reasons to Believe
- ERVs: Questioning Evolutionary Presuppositions about Endogenous Retroviruses - Dr. Anjeanette Roberts @ Reasons to Believe
- ERVs: Questioning Evolutionary Presuppositions about Endogenous Retroviruses. Dr. Anjeanette Roberts @ "Reasons to Believe
- ERVs: The "Not Junk" Anti-ERV Defence. The dishonesty of fabricating a strawman argument and attacking it.
- ERVs: The Natural History of Retroviruses. Liu and Soper of AiG debunked by fellow creationist, Todd Wood.
- ERVs: The Natural History of Retroviruses. Liu and Soper of AiG debunked by fellow creationist, Todd Wood.
- ERVs: The Search for Adam and Eve" Mclatchie backpedals on his previous article for "Evolution News", but not quite far enough, and how creationists never correct their mistakes, because - God.
- ERVs: The Search for Adam and Eve" Mclatchie backpedals on his previous article for "Evolution News", but not quite far enough, and how creationists never correct their mistakes, because - God.
- ERVs: Toppling Another Evolutionary Icon, ENCODE Data Suggests Endogenous Retroviruses Are Functional. Casey Luskin @ "Evolution News".
- ERVs: Toppling Another Evolutionary Icon, ENCODE Data Suggests Endogenous Retroviruses Are Functional. Casey Luskin @ "Evolution News".
- ERVs: Viral Genome Junk Hits the Trash - Yet more trash from our Jeff @ the ICR
- ERVs: Viral Genome Junk Is Bunk. Bunk from Jeffrey Tomkins' @ "The Institute of Creation Research"
- ERVs: Were They Created Good? - Yingguang Liu @ Answers in Genesis
- More from Jonathan McLatchie, "The Search for Adam and Eve"
- The Beneficial Functions of Endogenous Retroviruses | Answers in Genesis
- Toppling Another Evolutionary Icon, ENCODE Data Suggests Endogenous Retroviruses Are Functional | Evolution News
- Veritas: "The Placenta Problem: How Common Descent Fails" - Ann Gauger @ the "Discovery Institute"
- Veritas: "Waste Not: Research Finds that “Far from Junk DNA,” ERVs Perform “Critical Cellular Functions”" - Anon @ Evolution "News"
- Veritas: "Who Is Your Creator?: Endogenous Retroviruses (ERVS)" - Anon @ Gone
- Veritas: Answering "ftacky" at Christian Forums
- Veritas: Astonished
- Veritas: Does Retroviral DNA Insert Randomly into Genomes? More creationist lies
- Veritas: Endogenisation as an explanation.
- Veritas: ERV Intro
- Veritas: ERV’s [sic] Utterly Debunked
- Veritas: Evolution is Dead
- Veritas: For Chris
- Veritas: If ERVs are designed, what are the design purposes of these features? Another attempt.
- Veritas: Is the Placenta a 'Problem'? No, Ann, No.
- Veritas: Ok, I'll admit it. ERVs ARE junk DNA - well, sort of...
- Veritas: On "The Placenta Problem: How Common Descent Fails", by Ann Gauger of the "Discovery Institute"
- Veritas: On an "Evolution" (fake) "News" article from Casey Luskin
- Veritas: On some common objections and complaints about my ERV FAQ
- Veritas: Re. Endogenous Retroviruses and Evolution (Modern Synthesis)
- Veritas: Re. the "Design Hypothesis" re. ERVs. Microbiological Rape.
- Veritas: Refuting "Refuting the Endogenous Retrovirus Claim of Evolutionists"
- Veritas: The ERV Design Hypothesis. More Answers Offered.
- Veritas: The Natural History of Retroviruses - a Critique
- Veritas: Viral Genome Is Bunk - Or Is Tomkins' Article Bunk? (1)
- Veritas: Wasting Our Time With: Waste Not: Research Finds that “Far from Junk DNA,” ERVs Perform “Critical Cellular Functions” (1)
- Veritas: Were Retroviruses Created Good? A Critique. (1)
Other Creationist/ID Shenanigans - Probability
- A Probability Demo
- A Probability Demo - Source
- Veritas: Anti-evolution 'arguments' abusing probability
- Veritas: Big Scary Number Theory
- Veritas: Don't Talk About "Evolution News"
- Veritas: Here be Dragons (Searching a Large Phase Space)
- Veritas: More on Probability and Abiogenesis.
- Here be Dragons (on searching a large "phase space"), a common fallacy in creationist 'arguments'.
- Calculating Protein Probability. Big Scary Number Theory. (1)
- Veritas: The Peculiar Case of Homer Jacobson and Apologetics Press
- Veritas: No Evo Challenge from Dembski
- Veritas: On "The Failures of Mathematical Anti-Evolutionism", a book by Jason Rosenhouse
- (11) Answers for Atheists, Agnostics and all who are angry at the Almighty #2 | Groups | Facebook
- Calculating Protein Probability. Big Scary Number Theory.
- Veritas: Anti-evolution 'arguments' abusing probability
Yet More Creationist/ID Shenanigans
- "Atheist Logic. A very silly 'meme' that comes up with tiresome regularity.
- "Kinds". How creationists retrofit their crazy ideas to abuse the KJV version of the Bible.
- "Research" at the "Institute for Creation Research". They don't do research, they are not an institute. They just want your money.
- (3) Junk DNA... It's a Thing - YouTube
- (5) Evolution IS a Blind Watchmaker - YouTube
- =====Creationism: "Dr." Kent Hovind. The fake "doctor" who "qualified" at a fake university and for some unfathomable reason became a hero of the creationist mob. =====
- Abysmal scholarship from Evolution, Lysenkoism and Stalinism mashup unravelled.
- Abysmal scholarship from Evolution, Lysenkoism and Stalinism mashup unravelled. (1)
- Abysmal scholarship from Evolution, Lysenkoism and Stalinism mashup unravelled. (2)
- Atheists have no morals: A counter to this accusation
- =====Theology: Judgement Day=====
- Bringing Forth. How Genesis describes abiogenesis - the emergence of life from non-living matter.
- Creationist nonsense about genetic "Information"
- Darwin and Eugenics. How and why Darwin opposed eugenics.
- Genesis - how literalists say they believe it, but actually do not.
- How Information Arises Naturally.
- James M Tour Group » Evolution/Creation
- James Tour Confidently Preaches Dino Blood Error: Hemoglobin Challenge #4 - YouTube
- James Tour Gets ETour XPOSED by His Own Colleagues - YouTube
- James Tour Gets ETour XPOSED by His Own Colleagues - YouTube
- James Tour: A Chemist’s Questions on Evolution
- No Free Lunch? How William Dembski stole and misrepresented some respectable mathematics to write a book to con money out of the gullible followers of "intelligent design".
- On Abiogenesis
- Veritas: "I was charitable enough to think he was an honestly stupid man"
- Veritas: Abysmal scholarship from
- Veritas: Accelerated Christian Education (ACE), and the Attempted Hijacking of Secular Education.
- Veritas: Ant Super-Colonies
- Veritas: As I so often have to, I need to point out that science and theology are different topics
- Veritas: Assumptions?
- Veritas: Atheists have no morals
- Veritas: Cameras v Eyes
- Veritas: Christianity and Science
- Veritas: Conversation with Dominic Stratham
- Veritas: Dear Dr. Tour (public)
- Veritas: Debating John Heintz
- Veritas: Did Richard Dawkins Admit to Intelligent Design? An honestly stupid man, or lying for Jesus?
- Veritas: Did Richard Dawkins Admit to Intelligent Design? An honestly stupid man, or lying for Jesus? (1)
- Veritas: DNA is not a code
- Veritas: Dumb Design
- Veritas: Ending religion is a bad idea, says Richard Dawkins?
- Veritas: Evo-phobia
- Veritas: Evolution: Its Acceptance Amongst Prominent Christians (Jack rabbit in the headlights).
- Veritas: Evolutionary Algorithms and "Intelligent Design"
- Veritas: Evolutionists and Antis
- Veritas: Fisked: Waste Not: Research Finds that “Far from Junk DNA,” ERVs Perform “Critical Cellular Functions”
- Veritas: Fred Hoyle, Georges Lemaître, the Big Bang, Evolution and Boeing Aircraft
- Veritas: Further to my contention that science is not a topic for a theist/atheist discussion group
- Veritas: Genomic Information
- Veritas: Gods all the way up.
- Veritas: Heaven and Hell
- Veritas: ICR
- Veritas: Infallible
- Veritas: Information Arises Naturally.
- Veritas: Institute for Creation Research
- Veritas: Intelligent Designs?
- Veritas: Is Atheism a Belief?
- Veritas: Is Evolution Random?
- Veritas: KKK (Kreationist Kargo-Kult "Science".)
- Veritas: Lake Varves and Radiocarbon Dating
- Veritas: Meme Dump
- Veritas: Mike Pence Criticizes Theory of Evolution
- Veritas: Mt-Eve, Y-Adam
- Veritas: No Free Lunch?
- Veritas: Ok, I'll admit it. ERVs ARE junk DNA - well, sort of.
- Veritas: On "The Gene's-Eye View of Evolution" by J. Arvid Ågren
- Veritas: On James Tour: The Origin of Life Has Not Been Explained. Part I
- Veritas: On James Tour: The Origin of Life Has Not Been Explained. Part I (1)
- Veritas: Phillip Johnson trying to defend intelligent design
- Veritas: Revelation
- Veritas: Richard Sternberg by Expelled Exposed
- Veritas: Russell's Celestial Teapot and the Burden of Proof
- Veritas: Sadly, an Honest Creationist
- Veritas: Science and nonscience
- Veritas: Selon leur espèce
- Veritas: Some comments on "Some More of God's Greatest Mistakes"
- Veritas: Some More of God's Greatest Mistakes
- Veritas: Someone was Ranting
- Veritas: The Encyclopedia of American Loons
- Veritas: The Peculiar Case of Homer Jacobson and Apologetics Press
- Veritas: Was the Genetic Code Intelligently Designed?
- Veritas: Werner Gitt
- Veritas: Werner Gitt (1)
Quote Mining - How to lie about those you oppose by selectively quoting them. Creationism at its most despicable.
- Quote Mining - Creationism At Its Most Despicable
- Quote Mining, or How to Lie About Your Opponents by Quoting Them
- Lies, Damned Lies, and Mined Quotes
It's About Time - the discovery of deep time and the evidence for it>
Creationists and Intelligent Designer Spotting Enthusiasts Clubs
- "Dr." Kent Hovind - A Fake Doctor From a Fake University
- Veritas: Abysmal scholarship from
- "Research" at the "Institute for Creation Research"
- Veritas: On Creationist Statements of Faith
- Veritas: The Peculiar Case of Homer Jacobson and Apologetics Press
On Science
- Alan Turing
- Veritas: The Nature of Scientific Knowledge
- Gravity: How sometimes, a false notion can get stuck in your head, and no amount of evidence and reasoning can winkle it out. Sound familiar?
- Veritas: A Problem for Darwin? Doesn't blending inheritance wipe out variation?
- Veritas: Conway's Game of Life
- Veritas: Falsifiability
- Veritas: Infallible
- Veritas: NANOG pseudogenes and human evolution
- Day Million: A short story by Frederick Pohl.
- Veritas: Natural Selection
- Veritas: On Proof
- Veritas: Probability Demo Source
- Veritas: Re. "CRISPR pioneer Feng Zhang's latest work delivers mRNA, gene therapy with a human protein"
- Veritas: Science
- Veritas: Science and Nonscience
- Amazon's review of Franz de Waal's book, The Bonobo and the Atheist, on evolution and morality
- Veritas: Science Was Not Founded by Christians
- Veritas: Sir Fred Hoyle
- Veritas: Survival of the fittest
- Veritas: The Nature of Scientific Knowledge
- Veritas: What is True?
- What has Evolution Ever Done for Us?
- Hippasus: A Martyr to Reason?
- Why creation "science" isn't.
- Conway's Game of Life: an example of the phenomenon of emergence.
- A Problem for Darwin? The problem of "blending inheritance".
- Veritas: Varves, Confirmation Bias, or Lying for Jesus?
- Veritas: What is True?
Answering Creationists' Assertions and Questions
- (1) Exposing Evolution, UFO's and Deception | **Many evolutionists have claimed that the similarities in endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) between certain species prove common descent | Facebook
- Information
- Information Arises Naturally
- Please Take Note - Science and Atheism Are Not The Same Things
- Science and Atheism. Not the same things at all.
- Veritas: A New Study Confirming Creationism
- Veritas: A reply to "A Biblical Response to the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Launch."
- Veritas: Accelerated Christian Education (ACE), and the Attempted Hijacking of Secular Education
- Veritas: Assumptions?
- Veritas: Baraminology - Creationist 'Science' at its Most Rigorous
- Veritas: Derwood on "Baraminology"
- Veritas: DNA is not a code
- Veritas: Evolutionary Algorithms and "Intelligent Design"
- Veritas: Generating or Finding Information - a Thought Experiment. Putting paid to the idea that "information" increase requires intelligence.
- Veritas: Genesis - a Commentary
- Veritas: Just a Theory?
- Veritas: Kinds
- Veritas: Maybe
- Veritas: The A-Prefix
- Veritas: The Appeal to Authority
- Veritas: Was the "Genetic Code" Intelligently Designed?
- Really, why ARE there still monkeys?
Answering Creationist Attacks
- "Atheists have no morals". Oh yeah?
- Darwin and Eugenics. How and Why he Opposed It.
- Darwin's Sacred Cause: How a Hatred of Slavery Shaped Darwin's Views on Human Evolution
- The Bonobo and The Atheist by Franz de Waal
"Standing for Truth" - The Beavis and Butthead of Creationism
- A Review of "The Endogenous Retrovirus Handbook" from "Beavis and Butthead".
- ERVs: "Standing for Truth" (the Beavis and Butthead of creationism) attempt to reply to my questions raised by the idea that ERVs were designed (1)
- ERVs: Creationism's version of Beavis and Butthead attempting to discredit the ERV evidence. (1)
- ERVs: Dismantling the Best Evidence for Common Descent. A book by the Beavis and Butthead of creationism.
- Standing for Truth. The Beavis and Butthead of Creationism.
- Veritas: "Standing for Truth" and Creationist Custard
- Veritas: Did "Team SFT" Really Debunk "Stated Clearly" on the DNA Evidence That Humans & Chimps Share A Common Ancestor: Endogenous Retroviruses?
- Veritas: More from the creationist Beavis and Butthead duo.
- Veritas: The Beavis and Butthead of Creationism Ride Again
- Veritas: Did "Team SFT" Really Debunk "Stated Clearly" on the DNA Evidence That Humans & Chimps Share A Common Ancestor: Endogenous Retroviruses?
- Veritas: The Beavis and Butthead of Creationism.
- Veritas: More from the creationist Beavis and Butthead duo. (1)
Glenn Morton's Pages - Archive
- About the Author - Glenn Morton
- publications by Glenn R. Morton
- Veritas: About the Author - Glenn Morton
- Veritas: Archiving Glen Morton's Pages
- Veritas: Burrows cause problems for the Flood
- Veritas: Burrows cause problems for the Flood
- Veritas: Canadian Coal Not Formed Catastrophically
- Veritas: Canadian Coal Not Formed Catastrophically
- Veritas: Carbon Dioxide and the Flood
- Veritas: Theological Issues Concerning Creation, Evolution and the Flood
- Veritas: Carbon Dioxide and the Flood
- Veritas: Why I Believe Genesis is Historically Accurate
- Veritas: Why I Left Young-Earth Creationism
- Veritas: Why the Black Sea is not the Site of Noah's Flood
- Veritas: Carbonate hardgrounds disprove the global flood
- Veritas: Carbonate hardgrounds disprove the global flood
- Veritas: Creationist Misuse of the Green River Formation
- Veritas: Creationist Misuse of the Green River Formation
- publications by Glenn R. Morton (1)
- Veritas: Early Church Fathers on Genesis
- Veritas: Fish Cause Problems for the Global Flood
- Veritas: Tracks and Raindrop, Hail and Ice Impressions Demonstrates Slow Deposition (1)
- Veritas: Glenn Morton: Why I took my Web Pages Down
- Veritas: Glenn Morton's Pages Archive - Contents
- Veritas: Glenn Morton's Theology Articles and Other Topics
- Veritas: Igneous History of British Isles Won't Fit Into Global Flood
- Veritas: Insect borings in dinosaur bones – evidence against rapid burial in a global flood
- Veritas: It Sure Was Hot During the Global Flood
- Veritas: Limestone Presents Problems for the Global Flood
- Veritas: Meteor Craters and the Flood Year
- Veritas: Oil Well Cores and the Global Flood
- Veritas: Olam: The Bible's Way of Telling Us That the Earth is Old
- Veritas: One Million Years of Not Sweeping the Floors: The Soils of Beijing
- Veritas: Palaeosols
- Veritas: Plain Reading of Genesis 1
- Veritas: Recovering YECs
- Veritas: Salt, Meteors and the Global Flood
- Veritas: The Demise and Fall of the Water Vapor Canopy: A Fallen Creationist Idea
- Veritas: The Early Church Fathers Were Not YECs - by John Tobin
- Veritas: The Fish is Being Served with a Delicate Creamy Mercury Sauce
- Veritas: The Global Flood Produces Acidic Flood Waters
- Veritas: The Misguided Erosion Argument
- Veritas: The Multiple Droughts During the Global Flood
- Veritas: The Physics of a Mesopotamian Flood
- Veritas: The Real Poop on the Global Flood
- Veritas: Time Sequence in Pebbles
- Veritas: Too Many Fossils for a Global Flood
- Veritas: Tracks and Raindrop, Hail and Ice Impressions Demonstrates Slow Deposition
- Veritas: While the Flood Rages, Termites Dig, Dinosaurs Dance and Cicadas Sing
- Veritas: Why Clastic Dykes Don't Indicate a Global Flood
- Veritas: Why I Believe Genesis is Historically Accurate
- Veritas: Why I Left Young-Earth Creationism
- Veritas: Why the Black Sea is not the Site of Noah's Flood
- Why I Left Young-Earth Creationism
- Veritas: The Cambrian Explosion: The Reconstruction of Animal Biodiversity.— By Douglas H. Erwin and James W. Valentine.
- Veritas: The Letter the CRSQ didn't want you to read
- Veritas: Varves and the Global Flood
Quote Mining
- =====Barry's Blog=====
- About the Author, Barry Desborough, who has misspent his retirement fighting science-denying creationism.
- Veritas: Religious Education
Deep Time, Evolution and "Evolutionism" (all the subjects creationists lump together and call "Evolutionist")
- Veritas: Richard Dawkins: Free online books
- Veritas: Mackerelevolution
- Bringing Forth. How Genesis describes abiogenesis - the emergence of life from non-living matter.
- Amazon's review of Franz de Waal's book, The Bonobo and the Atheist, on evolution and morality
- A New Study Confirming Creationism! ;)
- Veritas: The Varves! The Varves! (And Skinny Dipping :) )
- The Varves! The Varves! (And Skinny Dipping :) ) (1)
- CA215: Practical uses of evolution.
- How 14C dating of dino remains never return a YEC-compatible date
- Veritas: Magic
- Veritas: No Evo Challenge from Dembski
- Bookmarks
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