Kreationist Kettle Logic

A Facebooker,Benjamin Avery Rumbaugh, posted this to a Facebook group @, and to a number of other groups.

It's about "Kettle Logic". See Also, "Kettle logic (French: la logique du chaudron) is a rhetorical device wherein one uses multiple arguments to defend a point, but the arguments are inconsistent with each other".
Benjamin's post- //A fallacy that is persistent in conspiracy theories and pseudoscience is "kettle logic"

Kettle logic is when multiple arguments are used to defend a single point, but each argument contradicts each other.
I first noticed this type of logic with 9/11 truthers. They would claim that 9/11 was an inside job and that no planes were actually hijacked by terrorists, but then simultaneously blame muslims for the attacks, attacks which they apparently didn't actually commit because it was a controlled demolition but also there were no planes or bombs because it was a missle.
Creationists do a similar thing where their explanation for one thing ends up contradicting their explanation for another thing, causing inconsistencies:
1. Evolution is impossible because Natural selection isn't real and an increase in information is impossible but also Noah didn't have to take millions of animals on the Ark because he only took common ancestors of different "kinds" which then evolved into the various species we have today.
2. An increase in complexity is impossible because all mutations are harmful and are degrading our genes into junk but also there is no such thing as junk DNA.
3. Mutation rates are so fast that natural selection cant filter them out quick enough which leads to genome degradation/genetic entropy but also mutations happen too slowly to account for divergence times (the waiting time problem)
4. Natural selection doesn't exist and doesn't correct against mutations which lead to genetic degradation but also natural selection is real and leads to adaptation and microevolution.
5. Humans are totally different than apes which is proof that we are specially designed but also the fact that we are so much alike is proof of a common designer.
6. If mammals evolved from reptile-like ancestors then where did all the inbetweens go, but also the platypus disproves evolution because its a mammal that lays eggs, has a cloaca, and has a sprawling stance like a reptile.
7. Mutation rates were faster after the flood which explains how 1 ancestral feline on Noah's ark speciated into 40+ different kinds of feline in only a few centuries but also mutation rates are too slow to do the same thing to humans.
8. Some traits are too spectacular and specific to have evolved by random chance, like how sharks are designed to be apex predators with replaceable teeth and strong sense of smell and the hypodermic needle-like fangs and venom delivery system of poisonous snakes, but also all these animals were vegetarian before the fall because there was no death so they evolved these traits after the fall but also traits like that couldn't evolve because that is an increase in information
9. We can't tell anything from fossils or geology because no one was around to witness, but fossils and geology is proof that a global flood happened.
10. Birds and dinosaurs are totally different and there aren't any dinosaur fossils with feathers but actually velociraptor had feathers and was just a flightless bird
11. Bird fossils are found with dinosaur fossils which disproves the idea that they evolved from dinosaurs but also the reason they don't find fossils of birds with dinosaurs is because they all flew away from the floodwaters
12. Speciation has never been observed but when it has been observed it doesn't count because it's still a fruit fly.
13. There aren't any fossils of whales that have legs, except for the ones that do have legs, but they don't count because they are still whales and the legs couldn't be used to walk on land, but the ones that had legs that could be used to walk on land don't count because whales only live in the water not on land.
And sooooo many more...// Kettle logic contrasts with scientific consilience, a guiding principle in science, in which scientific ideas are expected to be consistent with one another. See "In science and history, consilience (also convergence of evidence or concordance of evidence) is the principle that evidence from independent, unrelated sources can "converge" on strong conclusions. That is, when multiple sources of evidence are in agreement, the conclusion can be very strong even when none of the individual sources of evidence is significantly so on its own. Most established scientific knowledge is supported by a convergence of evidence: if not, the evidence is comparatively weak, and there will probably not be a strong scientific consensus."

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