Monday, 13 January 2025

Creationist Quote-Miners are Snivelling Little Liars

Quote-mining is a favorite method of lying used by rabid creationists. It displays a quote, usually from a well-known, authoritative source, in uncopyable graphics rather than text form to make it more tedious to track down. It is carefully selected in order to give the impression that the writer holds a position that is directly the opposite of his or her actual position.

Here is the quote in context. It is from pp 132 & 133 of Francis Collins' The Language of God, accessible for free @

"The study of genomes leads inexorably to the conclusion that we humans share a common ancestor with other living things. Some of that evidence is shown in Table 5.1, where the similarity between the genomes of ourselves and other organisms is displayed. This evidence alone does not, of course, prove a common ancestor; from a creationist perspective, such similarities could simply demonstrate that God used successful design principles over and over again. As we shall see, however, and as was foreshadowed above by the discussion of "silent" mutations in protein-coding regions, the detailed study of genomes has rendered that interpretation virtually untenable—not only about all other living things, but also about ourselves." 

"Virtually untenable."

"Virtually untenable."

Apart from being an erroneous and fallacious argument from authority, the mined quote betrays a total lack of honesty and integrity on the part of the miner. 

I wonder if God is pleased.

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