I must stress that I never wanted to or tried to attack or criticise anyone for their belief in God. My focus is on promoting and defending science. Creationism is nuts, not because it includes God-belief, but because it is nuts. I suspect that this bunch, the Facebook group called "Answers to Answers in Genesis"
The group has an admin who kept whining that I was "name calling", but repeatedly failed to say what my offending remarks were supposed to have been. I find it deeply infuriating, saddening and disappointing that I have been ejected from the group, without any adequate attempts at an explanation, especially in view of the fact that I am on a ban list from every single lying, conning, for-profit fanatical anti-science creationist group, not for bring aggressive or offensive, but merely because I know my stuff. (See my "Contents" and esp. my "ERV FAQ" links, linked to at the top of this page. I expect exclusion from them, but not from those who are supposedly trying to defend knowledge and reason.
Disgusted is hardly adequate to express how I feel. /rant
I dropped out of the Answers to Answers in Genesis Facebook page some time back. They were slowly taken over by AiG supporters and other creationists. Eventually, several of my posts were removed because they were “political” and “divisive.” I usually only post links to AiG inanity with very little comment, but I somehow set off one of the group administrators.