I came upon his monument by chance when visiting Rome in 2012. I knew of him, but I didn't know that there was a monument to him and where it was. The surprise discovery had a profound emotional effect on me. I sat at the foot of the monument and cried, and cried. 

He was a Dominican friar. To humiliate him, they stripped him naked, hung him upside-down and burned him alive at the stake, on this spot.

There is discussion about whether his crimes were disagreeing with the church on theological matters, or whether it was his astonishingly prescient scientific ideas. Whether it was one or the other or both, it was the fact that he vocally questioned and criticised established dogma. Full details at the link-


  1. Thank you for posting this. Bruno deserves to be commemorated and acknowledged..
    Many people know about Galileo, but not about Bruno.

  2. Thank you for this. I was unaware of his story.

  3. Established dogma like one and the same God creating all of the universe, creating one universe with one Adam and one incarnation?

    As opposed to believing each star being a solar system and each solar system being distinct at least as to God the Son (the Sun in each) and God the Holy Ghost, if having the same God the Father?

    Are you seriously rooting for a totally anti-Biblical heresiarch?

    Yes, as a "martyr" within Freemasonry, he is also a teacher of freemasonry, so Masonic heresies are partly his work.

    1. Whatever. It was no excuse ti murder him in such a cruel fashion. For what? For not agreeing with your idiosyncratic fantasies?
