Werner Gitt


I used to interact with one Werner Gitt, now deceased*, who used to make a crust flogging creationist garbage. He produced what he called a series of "theorems" about information, asserting that the generation and transmission of biological "information" required an intelligence. I pointed out to him that as a mathematician, I knew that theorems required proofs, and he had never provided any. As he was a native German speaker, I checked with my good friend, Hans-Richard Grümm, an Austrian physicist, that "theorem", meant exactly the same thing in German as it does in English. It does. ("Theory" and "theorem" are distinctly different things).Thus his unproven "theorems" were merely a set of empty assertions. Gitt repeatedly promised to provide proofs, but never did before he croaked. Yet true to form, creationists still sometimes appeal to him as an "authority" on the matter. The truth means nothing to these people. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Werner_Gitt. See also, the Salem Hypothesis, https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Salem_Hypothesis BTW, Facebook's Artificial Imbecile is, at the time of writing this, preventing me, for undisclosed reasons, from replying to comments. Weirdly though, I can post OPs. Go figure. *Someone, has just claimed that Gitt is not dead
(on 28/11/23 little-endian date format). If that is the case, he might as well not be alive anyway. He has still not delivered on his promise to supply proof of his "theorems". BTW-bis, if any of my articles interest you, there is much more at the link https://barryhisblog.blogspot.com/ which practically amounts to a free e-book, to be found at the top of all my pages. If I am currently being fucked about by Facebook, you can contact me by commenting on any of my pages.

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