Re. the "Design Hypothesis" re. ERVs. Microbiological Rape.

I posed a series of questions for "intelligent design" enthusiasts here,  @ ERV FAQ: But how can you rule out design as an explanation?

a) What is reverse transcriptase designed to do?
b) What is integrase designed to do?
c) Why were ERVs designed with a viral codon bias?
d) What is the design purpose of re-transcribable promoters?
e) What were the HERVs that produced the consensus sequence that generated Phoenix designed for?
f) What is the design purpose of both exogenous and endogenous KoRV
g) If chimps and humans have commonly located ERVs, what is the design purpose of giving these common ERVs common disabling mutations?
h) What is the design purpose of giving some people certain HERVs and not others

i) What is the design purpose of creating different syncytins in different placental lineages?

I provide my own answers to these questions @ Endogenisation as an explanation.

Now, imagine there were no such things as retroviruses until scientists in a lab in Wuhan created them and released them into the world. We discover that they have 'env' genes for invading our cells, genes for reverse transcriptase, which produces an entire DNA version of their RNA genomes, genes for integrase, which snips our nuclear DNA, inserts the foreign DNA, joining it all up together again. The whole design is a fiendish way of hijacking our cell machinery to make more retroviruses, to our devastating detriment. Microbiological rape. Even when reverse transcriptase fails to - er - reverse transcribe accurately, which is often the case, resulting in a faulty retroviral integration, integrase is very indiscriminate in where it inserts the viral DNA into our own DNA, with random, but often disastrous results.

What would your opinion of the intelligent designers in Wuhan be?

Disclaimer. I am NOT blaming the bio lab people at Wuhan. SARS-COV-3 looks like the result of a spillover from another species. What I am doing is to ask intelligent design enthusiasts what opinion is of an intelligent designer who supposedly made these little microbiological rapists.

See also, Malevolent Designer News - More Mendacity in 'Design' of SARS-CoV-2

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