Angels? Devils? Humans? Or what? Monsters?

From the Rwanda Genocide

We are all capable of outstanding acts of compassion, altruism and sacrifice, but we are also capable of acts of unspeakable brutality and cruelty, often in one and the same person. It's as if we are two sides of one coin. Here is my collection of books that bear upon this baffling and terrifying aspect of human nature.  

Click on any link and you will see details of the publication in a new tab. When you are done, close it and you will return here.

I may be adding my own additional notes. I have already included links to two of my pieces,

Why evolutionary science is vitally important


A Rational Manifesto for One World

Feel free to add your own thoughts.

The books..

2002 The Better Angels of our nature - Stephen Pinker

        The title refers the last words of a speech by Abraham Lincoln.                  

  See        nature-president-lincoln's-first-inaugural-address

This title comes from a letter from Darwin to J.F.Hooker in 1856.

"What a book a Devil’s chaplain might write on the clumsy, wasteful, blundering low & horridly cruel works of nature."

And Darwin on race and gender -Letter

2009 The Age of Empathy - Frans de Waal 


 2020 Survival of the Friendliest - Brian Hare & Vanessa Wood



From the Rwandan Genocide

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