More on Probability and Abiogenesis.

Evophobes love to talk about abiogenesis because they think it is an easy and cheap way to attack evolution.

But it has nothing to do with evolution. 

Life could have originated by an unnatural magic man using his ju-ju. It wouldn't make a scrap of difference to evolution, because evolution is what life does only once it originates.

Not before.

And abiogenesis is asserted by the very scripture that these characters say they believe.

The earth and the waters brought forth life. Try reading it some time.

Abiogenesis is distinct from biogenesis. The clue is in the "a" prefix, which means "not".

Not biogenesis. That was the idea that living creatures arise spontaneously from once living matter, fully formed, like mice appearing from heaps of grain. This is the idea that Louis Pasteur falsified.

Saying that "evolutionists" assert abiogenesis but can't prove it is an example of a straw-man argument.

And straw-men arguments are deceptive and dishonest.

Now we come to the numerous assertions we see saying that abiogenesis is so improbable, it can be safely disregarded as ever being possible (so the unnatural magic man must have created the first living things with his ju-ju).

But probability theory is a branch of mathematics, and mathematics professors and teachers will bellow SHOW YOUR WORKING. (And I would too. I'm a formally trained, and experienced teacher of mathematics).

No working is ever shown.


No model.

No process.

No numbers.

And if a pathetic argument is ever attempted, a fundamental schoolboy/girl error is made in the application of probability theory.

The probability of a number of events is not always the product of the probabilities of each individual event. 

I prove this with a simple example here.

Here is my page introducing  a work by Jason Rosenhouse, Ph.D, professor of mathematics at James Madison University.

See also,

And also,

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