Lies, Damned Lies, and Mined Quotes

An image of text. Not machine readable/searchable text. And no link to the source. Fishy. Why, I wonder?

While not the most blatant, scurrilous use of a mined quote, the creationist creator of the image and those who use it are deliberately and knowingly trying to give viewers a false impression. There is a simple word for deliberately and knowingly trying to give a false impression.

It is called "lying".

Other writers have quotes reported out of context to give a false (lying) impression of what they think, but it is Darwin's writing, particularly, that has been exploited more than anyone else. The most infamous example is where he is talking about the evolution of the eye.

I even had one prominent professional YEC repeatedly doubling down that it was not deceiving people to use the mined quote in isolation.

Darwin often used a device by which he would describe an apparent puzzle in order to introduce his thoughts on it or his answer to it. Exploiting his fearless openness and honesty, creationists, in contrast, often quote his description of the puzzle but deliberately leave out what follows. This is deliberate, knowing deception. Lying. An image of text is presented, rather than searchable text, and no source, to make it tedious for people to check on their lies.

Here is the text of the mined quote in context.

All of Darwin's writings are preserved, online, available for free. There is no excuse not to provide a source.

There is a collection of other mined quotes and notes on them here.

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