Saturday, 25 January 2025

Abysmal scholarship from

More on the dangers of giving power to pseudoscience-enamoured nutcases like certain runners in current (2020) elections. 

In the article, "Why the epidemic of fraud exists in science today", ( by one Jerry Bergman, we find, under the subheading, "Fraud among Darwinian Researchers", the following text-

  • "One famous case of evolution fraud, that of Viennese biologist Paul Kammerer, was the subject of a classic book titled The Case of the Midwife Toad. Kammerer painted ‘nuptial pads’ with India ink on the feet of the toads he was studying. Yet, even though his work, which supposedly supported the Lamarckian theory of evolutionism, was exposed, it was used for decades to support the particular evolution ideology of Soviet scientists such as Trofin [sic] D. Lysenko."
Now, I've never heard of Paul Kammerer, such is his influence on evolutionary science, but if I was to write about him, I would do some basic research on him. Certainly, Lamarckism and Darwinism are totally different opposing concepts.

I do know, however, about Trofim (note the spelling) D. Lysenko. He was a crackpot who was instrumental in getting mainstream (Darwinian and Mendelian) biological scientists banished to Stalin's gulags or worse, and in setting research in the Soviet Union back by decades. He was also responsible, in a major way, for the collapse of Soviet agriculture and the resultant mass starvation.

One wonders how much research Bergman did in preparation for his piece, and whether anyone reviewed it or even proofread it before it was published in Creation Ministries International's "Journal of Creation".

Bergman could easily have searched Lysenko, but obviously failed to do so. Here is Wikipedia's entry on him. ( If you don't like Wikipedia, go to the reference section, or research for yourself.

Here are my general remarks about Bergman's hit piece on the history of evolutionary science and indeed on history generally-

1) There are crackpots and frauds in every field of human endeavor. The fact of these examples of Bergman is testimony to the scientific method, which exposes fraud and error, unlike creation "science", which never ever admits to error.  Berman's screed has been up for fifteen years at the time of writing, and has never been corrected. Certainly, none of the cases he cites has been identified by creation "scientists".

2) Evolutionary science rests on solid evidence. Solid findings. The fact that Bergman is reduced to scraping the barrel like this, rather than dealing with the real evidence and reasoning on which evolutionary science is based, is witness to the bankruptcy of creation "science".

3) I could cite examples of fraud, error, and lies in creation "science". The difference between science and creation "science" is that the faults in the latter are deliberate, systematic, and never corrected.

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