Sunday, 26 January 2025

Generating or Finding Information - a Thought Experiment


For those who maintain that mutation and selection cannot increase information in genomes.

Imagine you have found a card for an ATM, dropped by someone in the street. Naturally, you don't know the PIN, but you take it to an ATM and try a PIN at random. The chances are 9,999 in 10,000 that your attempt will fail. Now imagine there is a bug in the latest update of the ATM software, and it allows you to attempt different PINs over and over and over again without it retaining or invalidating the card. Sooner or later, you will come across the correct PIN and you will be able to do what you will with the poor owner's account. The information (what the actual PIN is) has been acquired by a dumb process of iterative trial and error that is analogous to the natural selection of undirected mutations in living creatures. Evolution does indeed generate information.

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