This article is still doing the rounds. It is from This is a rare example of a creationist/IDer admitting to making an error. A very, very grudging example, which is still likely to mislead. How many of his gullible readers are going to read beyond the huge headline?
So, an "overall 88% similarity".
Let us assume that the 88% figure is correct. I'm not going to argue about that because the degree of similarity is dependent on the method of comparison used and is
Humans vary in their DNA, going from one human to another.
The degree of difference (for any two humans) will depend on the way you measure the difference. It is the same when comparing different species.
From Researchgate, Phylogenetic-relationships-between-humans-and-other-primates
The method of comparison and the degree of DNA difference does not matter!
Different species are different species after all.
As long as you use the same methods of comparison, the phylogenetic tree comes out the same, showing the relative closeness of the members of our group.
The note says that the "corrected" comparisons in their diagram were provided by Jeffrey P. Tomkins via Answers in Genesis. This is yet more dishonesty here. It is well known that the Y-chromosome is under extreme selection pressure due to sex chromosome conflict, so we would expect to see greater diversification in the Y-chromosomes of humans and chimpanzees than in the other chromosomes. This persistence on arguing about sex-chromosome differences amounts to cherry-picking.
What else can we say about our Jeffrey P. Tomkins?
Here's what I say. Viral Genome Is Bunk - Or Is Tomkins' Article Bunk?
And P.Z. Myers.
More examples of creo/ID errors which are never forthrightly acknowledged.
This is the problem creationist have with the truth. They do not value it. It is not their priority.
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