The Appeal to Authority

We see this "argument" come up with tedious regularity.

When you do not have a case to make.

None of these people's science (whether it was actual science or garbage) is dependent on any appeal to any Christian or any other version of "God". 

Newton - a horrible man in his personal dealings with others by all accounts, believed in God, but he was deemed a heretic because he declined to believe in the trinity. Does it matter to us? No. What matters is his mechanics and mathematics, which are his only valuable lasting legacies. Only lunatics believe he had anything of value to say about theology and his other weird obsession, alchemy.

Kelvin, who the absolute temperature scale is named after, thought that the age of the world could not be that great, because he thought that the sun would have burned up its fuel by combustion in short(ish) order. Not his fault though. He did not know about atomic physics, and how it generates heat.

Georges Cuvier, a very influential pre-Darwinian intellectual, said that evolution couldn't happen, because each organism was so exquisitely adapted to its environment that there was no reason for change. He thought that faunal succession was due to a whole series of cataclysms, extinctions and re-creations, not recorded in the Bible 

Mendel's genetic research contributed to a great extent to the "modern synthesis", providing a mechanism for evolutionary change that even Darwin struggled to understand, culminating in the spectacular confirmation of modern biology provided by Franklin, Crick and Watson.

Ethnophobic Louis Agassiz thought that the different "races" of humans had distinct, separate origins - Africans, Asians, Europeans and Native Americans etc. It took Darwin, and subsequently genetics, to show that this was nonsense. We are all one species.

I've only got started, but the point is that none of this stuff appeals to the bible and any theistic mythology. 

And the history of science stretches way back before the Christian era, and makes for very interesting study.

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