
Some a-hole was on some social media group for discussing creationism and science, ranting that atheists and gays have contributed nothing to civilisation.

Well, without the gay atheist portrayed in the sculpture, it is conceivable that civilisation would have been destroyed before the ranter ever had the chance to be born.

The sculpture represents Alan
 Mathison Turing OBE FRS, A figure, known, among many other things, for his contributions to pure mathematics, up there with Cantor, Gödel and Church.

But the thing he is best known for, admired and honoured for, was his role in the defeat of Nazi Germany. It is arguable that without him, there would be no civilisation any more.

Upon the outset of WWII, the allies searched for people talented enough to maybe crack a problem. The problem was that the German military were encrypting messages between its various branches using a coding machine, Enigma. This was considered to be able to produce unbreakable coded messages. 
The Germans held to the idea that the enigma code was absolutely uncrackable with, dare I say it, an almost religious conviction. The allies allowed certain engagements to be lost for fear that their actions would otherwise give away the fact that enigma had been cracked. Lives were sacrificed in order to preserve the secret.

I could go on. The subject fascinates me, but there is plenty of material online, and several books on Turing and Enigma. If you have read this far,  see


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