ERV Intro

Some introductory comments in response to creationists' accusations that this is all "assertion" or "interpretation".

It is an established fact that retroviruses insert DNA into host organisms' DNA. 

It is an established fact that retroviruses can insert DNA into germ-line DNA, so such DNA can become heritable.

It is an established fact that retroviruses cannot target specific host DNA loci.

It is an established fact that different "kinds" of creatures have huge numbers of retrovirally originated DNA in precisely corresponding loci as one another.

It is an established fact that cellular replication places the same DNA in the same loci in daughter cells.

It is an established fact that the only viable explanation for these common loci is that they were inherited from common ancestors. 

The ONLY possible answer to counter all these facts is that maybe a malicious little god deliberately faked all this evidence in order to tempt us into wickedness and error. But I don't think anyone wants to believe in such a stupid little naughty god. It strikes me as rather blasphemous.

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