"Atheist Logic". A very silly 'meme' that comes up with tiresome regularity.



This stupid "meme" keeps coming up with buttock-clenching and tedious regularity on "discussion" boards infested with creationists and unidentified flying intelligent designer spotter cranks, who regularly confuse atheism and science.

In the first three frames, we see items for which overwhelming evidence of human design and manufacture is available. In the third frame, we see the man, who has clearly suffered bodily development problems, and whose eyes need artificial correction, talking about nature, for which there is no evidence of design.

In fact, in nature there is plenty of evidence for a lack of intelligent design, and evidence for the stumbling around in the dark by the blind watchmaker. I
f an intelligent designer designed all the features of living creatures, and was an all-knowing, wise, beneficent and competent designer, how come he came up with all these goofs? https://barryhisblog.blogspot.com/p/some-more-of-gods-greatest-mistakes_25.html

The two competing hypotheses are,
1) that an intelligent designer designed this stuff because, 
2) that evolution just happened to stumble into these ridiculous situations.

Evolution predicts that organisms will often be led up blind alleys, very often to the point of extinction. It has no look-ahead. No teleology. It cannot cross, by the well-known mechanism of the natural selection of heritable variations, large improbable 'distances' in the fitness landscape.

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