Wednesday, 29 January 2025


Click on the image for the official trailer

Maybe, all of us "sensible" people are living in a fake, artificial world.

Maybe the Creator of this artificial world faked all the evidence for deep time and for evolution to fool us.

Maybe carbon dating (from carbon isotope ratios) is rigged.

Maybe the tree rings are not real tree rings.

Maybe the light from distant stars and pulses from distant pulsars are fake evidence. Maybe the Creator still puts on light shows, as he did in 1987, creating the false impression that a supernova happened around 170,000 years ago.

Maybe the fossils that contain no carbon-14 are fakes, and are placed in "geological layers" to give us the false impression that they are the traces of once-living creatures, the succession of forms fooling us into thinking that life has changed over time, and were not all laid down in neat layers, but in a chaotic and turbulent global flood that just APPEARS to be a neat succession of forms, because he fixed it that way. Maybe.

Maybe lake varves (the sediment layers in the bed of lakes) that appear to be annual - maybe the unfossilised ones only APPEAR to go down to 60,000 years but don't really, and are in fact an artifice of the Designer, made to fool us into thinking that we are living in an old world, the succession of particle sizes and pollen grain species mimicking what we would expect to see in an annual lamina being fake evidence. Maybe.

Maybe he has put fake DNA in our DNA, to give us the false impression that it came from viruses, and put it in identically corresponding DNA loci in different species to falsely convince us that we descended from common ancestral species.


The question is, why?

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