I find it astonishing that nobody wants to talk about retroviruses and endogenous retroviruses (ERVs). Someone says he wants to debate people, but he's too busy to learn about ERVs even though I told him that learning about them would save him from wasting the rest of his life on anti-evolution nonsense.
Another posts a creationist propaganda page on ERVs (with an image of bacteria!) immediately after I post a link including a thorough debunking of the very page he links to! He can't have clicked. The thread then gets closed before I can respond. Yet another poster says she can only access text content as an excuse not to look at my FAQ. (My FAQ on the subject is nearly all text, and the videos are not required viewing). Talk about "LA LA LA, I can't hear you!"
Whether you are pro science or anti-evolution, you need to learn about the evidence for common descent from common ERVs in order to discuss them sensibly. This is not rocket science.
I am a qualified and experienced teacher, now retired. I have been discussing evolution and creationism for several years. The best evidence I have come across supporting common descent is the evidence from ERVs. My FAQ goes to great lengths to explain this subject in an accessible manner, but if there is anything you need clarifying further, or if you have any new questions, pipe up. This is your opportunity to get a free education about the subject.
A link to the FAQ can be found at the top of the page.
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