About the Author. I'm Barry Desborough, who has misspent his retirement fighting science-denying creationism.
Veritas: Why Evolutionary Science is Vitally Important - a personal view
- ERVs FAQ. Top page for answers concerning common endogenous retroviruses - slam-dunk proof of common ancestry.
- "Dr." Kent Hovind. A fake doctor who "qualified" at a fake university and for some unfathomable reason became a hero of the creationist mob.
- "Kinds". How creationists retrofit their crazy ideas to abuse the KJV version of the Bible.
- "Research" at the "Institute for Creation Research". They don't do research, they are not an institute. They just want your money.
- (1) Fluff Busting ( FB ) Purity | Facebook
- (3) Evolution and Creationism Open Debate | Facebook
- A New Study Confirming Creationism!
- A Response to "Questioning Evolutionary Presuppositions about Endogenous Retroviruses"
- A Review of "The Endogenous Retrovirus Handbook"
- About Natural Selection
- Abysmal scholarship from Creation.com. Evolution, Lysenkoism and Stalinism mashup unravelled.
- Age Correlations and an Old Earth. How multiple independent lines of evidence falsify YEC.
- Amazon's review of Franz de Waal's book, The Bonobo and the Atheist, on evolution and morality
- Another attempt to answer the questions an ERV design hypothesis raises
- Atheists have no morals: A counter to this accusation
- Blogger: Pages
- Bringing Forth. How Genesis describes abiogenesis - the emergence of life from non-living matter.
- Calculating Protein Probability. Big Scary Number Theory.
- Charles Darwin: Autographed document could fetch record price - BBC News
- Conway's Game of Life: an example of the phenomenon of emergence.
- Corrections to "Do koalas prove that humans got part of their DNA from viruses? - creation.com" - Google Docs
- Creationism's version of Beavis and Butthead attempting to discredit the ERV evidence.
- Darwin and Eugenics. How and why Darwin opposed eugenics.
- Darwin's Sacred Cause, to prove that all men are created as equals.
- Day Million: A short story by Frederick Pohl.
- Dismantling the Best Evidence for Common Descent!
- ERVs What if we find an ERV in a common locus in chimps and gorillas, but not in humans?
- ERVs What's all this about the Phoenix Virus? Sounds like a Michael Crichton science fiction story!
- ERVs - (Endogenous Retroviruses) as Proof of Evolution (An Executive Summary)
- ERVs "Standing for Truth" attempts to reply to my questions raised by the idea that ERVs were designed
- ERVs are essential in reproduction. How can this be?
- ERVs Aren't ERVs designed to protect against viral infection?
- ERVs Aren't the same ERV genetics in coresponding loci in different species because they have to do the same job?
- ERVs But how can you rule out design as an explanation for ERVs?
- ERVs But isn't this just circular reasoning, assuming evolution to 'prove' evolution?
- ERVs David DeWitt at Anwers in Genesis says ERVs do not line up with the expected evolutionary progression.
- ERVs do stuff. Doesn't that prove that they didn't originate from retroviruses, but were designed?
- ERVs Don't retroviruses target particular locations in the DNA? Doesn't this explain corresponding ERVs?
- ERVs FAQ formatted for posting to Facebook
- ERVs Haven't the same ERVs been found in species that are said to be distantly related?
- ERVs How could a species survive a massive invasion of retroviruses into its genome?
- ERVs How could ERVs survive programmed cell death (apoptosis)?
- ERVs If ERVs are designed, what are the design purposes of these features?
- ERVs Just how many ERVs are shared, in common locations, in the genomes of humans and chimps?
- ERVs Long terminal repeats (LTRs). How these retroviral markers provide yet more information on evolutionary history.
- ERVs promote the transcription of host DNA. Doesn't this prove they are designed?
- ERVs The "Phoenix Virus": An explanation of the experiment.
- ERVs The Koala's Tale. How an exogenous and endogenous virus (KoRV) confirms the viral origin of ERVs.
- ERVS Why virologists and geneticists conclude that ERVs come from retroviruses? The evidence that all creationists ignore.
- ERVs? Anjeanette Roberts On "A Common Design View of ERVs Encourages Scientific Investigation" @ Reasons to Believe
- ERVs? “Evolution's Best Argument Has Become Its Worst Nightmare” by Brian Thomas of the “Institute for Creation Research”
- ERVs? “Large Scale” Function for Endogenous Retroviruses - Luskin @ EvolutionNews
- ERVs? Could you have this backwards? Maybe retroviruses come from designed-in variation inducing genetic elements (VIGEs)?
- ERVs? Do Endogenous Retroviral Sequences (ERVs) Prove Evolution? Yes, they do!
- ERVs? Do Endogenous Retroviruses (ERVs) Support Common Ancestry?
- ERVs? Do Endogenous Retroviruses (ERVs) Support Common Ancestry? Andrew Fabich @ AiG
- ERVs? Do koalas prove that humans got part of their DNA from viruses? Matthew Cserharti @ Creation.com
- ERVs? Do Shared ERVs Support Common Ancestry? from Evolution "News"
- ERVs? Endogenous Retroviruses - Pitman @ DetectingDesign
- ERVs? Evolutionary “Junk” or God’s Tools?' Georga Purdom @ Answers in Genesis
- ERVs? From Jonathan McLatchie, "The Search for Adam and Eve"
- ERVs? Hasn't the evolutionist's story about ERVs been debunked by "creation scientists"? Creationist attempts at firefighting the evidence from ERVs. Listed below, links prefixed by "ERVs?"
- ERVs? Junk No Longer - Casey Luskin @EvolutionNews
- ERVs? Large scale function for ‘endogenous retroviruses’ - Doyle @ CMI
- ERVs? Questioning Evolutionary Presuppositions about Endogenous Retroviruses Dr. Anjeanette Roberts @ Reasons to Believe
- ERVs? The "Not Junk" Anti-ERV Defence. The dishonesty of fabricating a strawman argument and attacking it.
- ERVs? The Natural History of Retroviruses. Liu and Soper of AiG debunked by fellow creationist, Todd Wood.
- ERVs? The Search for Adam and Eve" Mclatchie backpedals on his previous article for "Evolution News", but not quite far enough, and how creationists never correct their mistakes, because - God.
- ERVs? Toppling Another Evolutionary Icon, ENCODE Data Suggests Endogenous Retroviruses Are Functional Casey Luskin @ Evolution News.
- ERVs? Viral Genome Junk Hits the Trash - Tomkins @ ICR
- ERVs? Viral Genome Junk Is Bunk - Tomkins' @ ICR
- ERVs? Were Retroviruses Created Good? - Yingguang Liu @ Answers in Genesis
- ERVs?, On Shaun Doyle's "Large scale function for ‘endogenous retroviruses’" @ Creation Ministries International
- ERVs. A simple explanation of ERVs and why they are important evidence for common ancestry. H.G. Wells 'The Time Machine'
- ERVs. What is the case for common descent from ERVs? A summary in a nutshell.
- Game of Life - Scholarpedia
- Genesis - how literalists say they believe it, but actually do not.
- Genetic "Information"
- Gravity: How sometimes, a false notion can get stuck in your head, and no amount of evidence and reasoning can winkle it out. Sound familiar?
- How 14C dating of dino remains never return a YEC-compatible date
- How creationists disqualify themselves from science discussion by their "statements of faith"
- Incredulous!
- Information Arises Naturally.
- Judgement Day
- Maybe everything is fake?
- No Comment.
- No Free Lunch? How William Dembski stole and misrepresented some respectable mathematics to write a book to con money out of the gullible followers of "intelligent design".
- On Abiogenesis
- Page: Edit
- Please Take Note
- Rational manifesto
- Science and Atheism: How they are not the same
- The Beavis and Butthead of Creationism.
- Theism, Atheism, Agnosticism: Let's get ths straight.
- Veritas: "Standing for Truth" and Creationist Custard.
- Veritas: "The Atheist" and "The Grammar Nazi"
- Veritas: A Probability Demo
- Veritas: A reply to "A Biblical Response to the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Launch."
- Veritas: A-prefix. How why and how theists misrepresent people who don't believe in gods.
- Veritas: About the Author - Glenn Morton
- Veritas: Abysmal scholarship from Creation.com
- Veritas: Accelerated Christian Education (ACE), and the Attempted Hijacking of Secular Education.
- Veritas: Age Correlations and An Old Earth
- Veritas: Agnosticism - atheism
- Veritas: AI (Artificial Imbeciles)
- Veritas: An interview with Tavian Oladapo.
- Veritas: Answering "ftacky" at Christian Forums
- Veritas: Ant Super-Colonies
- Veritas: Archiving Glen Morton's Pages.
- Veritas: As I so often have to, I need to point out that science and theology are different topics
- Veritas: Astonished
- Veritas: Atheists have no morals
- Veritas: Baraminology - Creationist Science at its most Rigorous
- Veritas: Baraminology. What a load of crap!
- Veritas: Barry's Recommended Reading List
- Veritas: Belief
- Veritas: Burrows cause problems for the Flood
- Veritas: Cameras v Eyes
- Veritas: Can race be erased?
- Veritas: Canadian Coal Not Formed Catastrophically
- Veritas: Carbon Dioxide and the Flood
- Veritas: Carbon-14 dating and Dinosaur Remains.
- Veritas: Carbonate hardgrounds disprove the global flood
- Veritas: Christianity and Science
- Veritas: Conversation with Dominic Stratham
- Veritas: Creationist Misuse of the Green River Formation
- Veritas: Darwin and Eugenics
- Veritas: Debating John Heintz
- Veritas: Derwood on "Baraminology"
- Veritas: Detecting Design
- Veritas: Detecting Design
- Veritas: Detecting Design
- Veritas: Did "Team SFT" Really Debunk "Stated Clearly" on the DNA Evidence That Humans & Chimps Share A Common Ancestor: Endogenous Retroviruses?
- Veritas: DNA is not a code
- Veritas: Does Retroviral DNA Insert Randomly into Genomes? More creationist lies
- Veritas: Dumb Design
- Veritas: Early Church Fathers on Genesis
- Veritas: Endianness
- Veritas: Ending religion is a bad idea, says Richard Dawkins?
- Veritas: Endogenisation as an explanation.
- Veritas: ERV FAQ: Other articles on ERVs
- Veritas: ERV Intro
- Veritas: ERV’s [sic] Utterly Debunked
- Veritas: Evo-phobia
- Veritas: Evolution is Dead
- Veritas: Evolution: Its Acceptance Amongst Prominent Christians
- Veritas: Evolutionary Algorithms and "Intelligent Design"
- Veritas: Evolutionists and Antis
- Veritas: Falsifiability
- Veritas: Fish Cause Problems for the Global Flood
- Veritas: Fisked: Waste Not: Research Finds that “Far from Junk DNA,” ERVs Perform “Critical Cellular Functions”
- Veritas: For Chris
- Veritas: For those who will not click
- Veritas: Fred Hoyle, Georges Lemaître, the Big Bang, Evolution and Boeing Aircraft
- Veritas: Further to my contention that science is not a topic for a theist/atheist discussion group
- Veritas: Genomic Information
- Veritas: Ghosts.
- Veritas: Giordano Bruno
- Veritas: Glenn Morton: Why I took my Web Pages Down
- Veritas: Glenn Morton's Pages Archive - Contents
- Veritas: Glenn Morton's Theology Articles and Other Topics
- Veritas: Gods all the way up.
- Veritas: Gods all the way up.
- Veritas: Heaven and Hell
- Veritas: Human Evolution, by Graeme Finlay
- Veritas: Human Evolution: Genes, Genealogies and Phylogenies, By Graeme Finlay
- Veritas: Human Nature
- Veritas: ICR
- Veritas: ID
- Veritas: If ERVs are designed, what are the design purposes of these features? Another attempt.
- Veritas: Igneous History of British Isles Won't Fit Into Global Flood
- Veritas: Imagine
- Veritas: Infallible
- Veritas: Information Arises Naturally.
- Veritas: Insect borings in dinosaur bones – evidence against rapid burial in a global flood
- Veritas: Institute for Creation Research
- Veritas: Intelligent Designs?
- Veritas: Is Atheism a Belief?
- Veritas: Is Evolution Random?
- Veritas: Is the Evidence from ERVs Falsifiable?
- Veritas: It Sure Was Hot During the Global Flood
- Veritas: KKK (Kreationist Kargo-Kult "Science".)
- Veritas: Lake Varves and Radiocarbon Dating
- Veritas: Limestone Presents Problems for the Global Flood
- Veritas: Long Terminal Repeats (LTRs)
- Veritas: Me
- Veritas: Meme Dump
- Veritas: Meteor Craters and the Flood Year
- Veritas: Mike Pence Criticizes Theory of Evolution
- Veritas: Morality
- Veritas: Mt-Eve, Y-Adam
- Veritas: My Pages
- Veritas: NANOG pseudogenes and human evolution
- Veritas: Natural Selection
- Veritas: Nicotine
- Veritas: Oil Well Cores and the Global Flood
- Veritas: Ok, I'll admit it. ERVs ARE junk DNA - well, sort of.
- Veritas: Ok, I'll admit it. ERVs ARE junk DNA - well, sort of.
- Veritas: Olam: The Bible's Way of Telling Us That the Earth is Old
- Veritas: On "The Gene's-Eye View of Evolution" by J. Arvid Ågren
- Veritas: On an "Evolution" (fake) "News" article from Casey Luskin
- Veritas: On James Tour: The Origin of Life Has Not Been Explained. Part I
- Veritas: On Proof
- Veritas: On some common objections and complaints about my ERV FAQ.
- Veritas: One Million Years of Not Sweeping the Floors: The Soils of Beijing
- Veritas: Palaeosols
- Veritas: Phillip Johnson trying to defend intelligent design
- Veritas: Plain Reading of Genesis 1
- Veritas: Politics and Sociopathy
- Veritas: Probability Demo Source
- Veritas: Pseudogenes FAQs
- Veritas: Quote mining
- Veritas: Quote mining
- Veritas: Quote Mining - or How to Lie About Your Opponents by Quoting Them
- Veritas: Re. "CRISPR pioneer Feng Zhang's latest work delivers mRNA, gene therapy with a human protein"
- Veritas: Re. "CRISPR pioneer Feng Zhang's latest work delivers mRNA, gene therapy with a human protein"
- Veritas: Re. Endogenous Retroviruses and Evolution (Modern Synthesis)
- Veritas: Re. the "Design Hypothesis" re. ERVs. Microbiological Rape.
- Veritas: Recovering YECs
- Veritas: Refuting "Refuting the Endogenous Retrovirus Claim of Evolutionists"
- Veritas: Retroviruses for Dummies
- Veritas: Richard Sternberg by Expelled Exposed
- Veritas: Russell's Celestial Teapot and the Burden of Proof
- Veritas: Sadly, an Honest Creationist
- Veritas: Sadly, an Honest Creationist
- Veritas: Sadly, an Honest Creationist
- Veritas: Salt, Meteors and the Global Flood
- Veritas: Science
- Veritas: Science and nonscience
- Veritas: Selon leur espèce
- Veritas: Sir Fred Hoyle
- Veritas: Some comments on "Some More of God's Greatest Mistakes"
- Veritas: Some More of God's Greatest Mistakes
- Veritas: Some More of God's Greatest Mistakes
- Veritas: Someone was Ranting
- Veritas: Survival of the fittest
- Veritas: Talk Beliefs Interview II
- Veritas: Talk Beliefs Interview. Mark Torrender talks with yours truly.
- Veritas: The Demise and Fall of the Water Vapor Canopy: A Fallen Creationist Idea
- Veritas: The Early Church Fathers Were Not YECs - by John Tobin
- Veritas: The Encyclopedia of American Loons
- Veritas: The ERV Design Hypothesis. More Answers Offered.
- Veritas: The Fish is Being Served with a Delicate Creamy Mercury Sauce
- Veritas: The Global Flood Produces Acidic Flood Waters
- Veritas: The Irrational
- Veritas: The Koala's Tale
- Veritas: The Letter the CRSQ didn't want you to read
- Veritas: The Misguided Erosion Argument
- Veritas: The Multiple Droughts During the Global Flood
- Veritas: The Natural History of Retroviruses - a Critique
- Veritas: The Nature of Scientific Knowledge
- Veritas: The Peculiar Case of Homer Jacobson and Apologetics Press
- Veritas: The Physics of a Mesopotamian Flood
- Veritas: The Real Poop on the Global Flood
- Veritas: The Varves! The Varves! (And Skinny Dipping :) )
- Veritas: Theological Issues Concerning Creation, Evolution and the Flood
- Veritas: They Lie Because They Have To
- Veritas: Thoughts on race and evolution
- Veritas: Time Sequence in Pebbles
- Veritas: To Jack
- Veritas: To Peter Berean
- Veritas: Too Many Fossils for a Global Flood
- Veritas: Tracks and Raindrop, Hail and Ice Impressions Demonstrates Slow Deposition
- Veritas: Vaccine Shit
- Veritas: Varves and the Global Flood
- Veritas: Varves, Confirmation Bias, or Lying for Jesus?
- Veritas: VIGEs
- Veritas: Viral Genome Is Bunk - Or Is Tomkins' Article Bunk?
- Veritas: Warning. Disturbing video.
- Veritas: Was the Genetic Code Intelligently Designed?
- Veritas: Wasting Our Time With: Waste Not: Research Finds that “Far from Junk DNA,” ERVs Perform “Critical Cellular Functions”
- Veritas: Were Retroviruses Created Good? A Critique.
- Veritas: What Evolution Isn't
- Veritas: What has Evolution Ever Done for Us?
- Veritas: What is True?
- Veritas: While the Flood Rages, Termites Dig, Dinosaurs Dance and Cicadas Sing
- Veritas: Who is Your Creator? - ERVs!
- Veritas: Why are there still monkeys?
- Veritas: Why Clastic Dykes Don't Indicate a Global Flood
- Veritas: Why Evolutionary Science is Vitally Important - a personal view
- Veritas: Why Evolutionary Science is Vitally Important - a personal view (1)
- Veritas: Why I Believe Genesis is Historically Accurate
- Veritas: Why I Left Young-Earth Creationism
- Veritas: Why the Black Sea is not the Site of Noah's Flood
- Veritas: Why?
- Veritas: Wikidia
- Was Darwin a racist, and does evolution promote racism? - #DarwinDay (Hint ... No) • Skeptical Science
- Was Hitler a Darwinian.pdf
- We'll Let You Know - YouTube
- Why creation "science" isn't.
- Why I Left Young-Earth Creationism
- Veritas: More on the Design Hypothesis
- Veritas
- Veritas: Did "Team SFT" Really Debunk "Stated Clearly" on the DNA Evidence That Humans & Chimps Share A Common Ancestor: Endogenous Retroviruses?
- Page: Edit
- Page: Edit
- Veritas: ERVs? Do koalas prove that humans got part of their DNA from viruses?
- Veritas: Is the Placenta a 'Problem'? No, Ann, No.
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