Notes from a Misspent Retirement


I have spent a number of years discussing evolution, religion, life, the universe and everything, mostly on Facebook groups.

Having found myself repeating what I had to say so often, I decided to record many set pieces for re-use. They are pages on my blog account, . (Barry'sBlog was not available). Now some try to poo-poo that it's a blog, but I don't understand why. If a piece is written in a book, in a Facebook comment, or on a wall, what difference does it make? It's the content that counts.

Anyway, I have amassed a substantial amount of material from my studies and from what has come about from my interactions with others. I thought of putting it together in a vanity-published book, but the material does not lend itself to that. Rather, HTML, with all its facilities, is far better suited to the task.

The problem is that my pages are not easily organised into a single structure. So I have decided to start writing a single piece, which you may regard as a free online e-book and resource, with links out to relevant pages.  I have made a start on it here, @

The pages I will be linking out to, although currently dreadfully disorganised, are here, @ You may find some of them of interest. All comments welcome.

Please let me know if my project for a single "book" seems that it could be of interest to you, and if you have any helpful suggestions.

Many thanks, Barry.

1 comment:

  1. Keep me posted. It may turn out to be a lot more work than you realise (I am shocked at how many files I have accumulated). For that very reason, it's important that the compilation should be easily searchable
