Monday, 13 January 2025

The ERV FAQ - Endogenous RetroViruses, Frequently Asked Questions

An endogenous retrovirus (ERV) is the remains, in the DNA, of a particular type of virus, a retrovirus. A retrovirus has integrated with the DNA of an ancestral germ cell (sperm or egg cell) and has thereby become heritable. It is present in the DNA of all nuclear cells (cells with a nucleus)

Commonly located ERVs prove common ancestry between different "kinds" of organisms. There are no other viable explanations for them. 

This page lists frequently asked questions (FAQs) 
from creationists about the case for common descent from endogenous retroviruses (ERVs).

Each question links to its answer.

If you baulk at my use of the "P" word, "proof", please visit, and for the "T" word, "true", see

If you wish to ask further questions 
or discuss any entries, post your questions 
or comments in the discussion section below, or join the FaceBook group, ERV.

Please visit the Veritas YouTube channel, like, share, comment and subscribe.

See also my interview with Mark Torrender of Talk Beliefs, and do the same.

A more detailed, technical account, with references to the scientific literature, can be found @
"" Nov 2009

Another good one-stop page covering the topic can be found at Jon Peters' site, TruthfulOrigins. Click on the image.


Here's a great video on the subject from "Stated Clearly". 

Other vids.

0. This looks hard. Do you have a simple introduction to the subject?

1. What is the "case for common descent" from ERVs?

2. Why do virologists and geneticists conclude that ERVs come from retroviruses? Isn't that just supposition on their part?

3. What are "Long Terminal Repeats" and how do they confirm common ancestry? 

4. Isn't this just circular reasoning, assuming evolution to "prove" evolution?

5. How many ERVs are shared, in common locations, in the genomes of humans and chimps?

7. Don't retroviruses target particular locations in the DNA? Doesn't this explain corresponding ERVs?

9. ERVs do stuff. Doesn't that prove that they didn't originate from retroviruses, but were designed?

10 ERVs PROTECT against viral infection. Surely, this means that they were designed to do so?  

11. ERVs promote the transcription of host DNA. Doesn't this prove they are designed?

12. ERVs are essential in reproduction (syncytin and the formation of the placenta). How can this be?

13. Aren't the same ERV genetics in the same places in different species because they have to do the same job?

14. But how can you rule out design as an explanation?

15. How could a species survive a massive invasion of retroviruses into its genome?

16. How could ERVs survive programmed cell death (apoptosis)?

17. The same retrovirus or ERV has been found in two species that evolutionists say are very distantly related. How is this possible?

18. What if we find an ERV in a common location in chimpanzees and gorillas, but not in humans?

19. David DeWitt at AiG says ERVs do not line up with the expected evolutionary progression. What gives?

20. What's all this about the Phoenix Virus? Sounds like a Michael Crichton science fiction story!

21. Hasn't the evolutionist's story about ERVs been debunked by "scientists" such as Dr. Yingguang Liu and Dr. Georgia Purdom?

22. Could you have this backwards? Maybe retroviruses come from designed-in variation inducing genetic elements (VIGEs)?

23. Is the Evidence from ERVs Falsifiable? (The Answer is "yes".)

About me.

Other articles on ERVs.

An interview with Mark Torrender of Talk Beliefs.

If anyone wants to go into more detail (a lot more detail) on the subject of virology, look into Columbia University's Virology – Biology 3310/4310 which includes a series of video lectures on YouTube.

Extra viewing

Footnote: I am trying to discuss ERVs with a certain Duane Cadwell at


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