Carbon-14 dating may be applied to a wide range of animal remains. But when we come to look at dinosaur remains, even so-called "soft tissue", (see there are no cases of radiocarbon dating yielding dates that are compatible with a young earth creationist (YEC) "chronology" of less than 6,000 or 10,000 years .
None whatsoever...
Not a sausage.
Plenty of mammals and birds and trees and other plant remains. None whatsoever for dinosaurs.
Yet if YEC was correct, they should ALL date to within this timescale. Why don't ANY of them? None at all? Don't you find this fishy? Dates often quoted by creationists are only consistent with contamination, the limits of measurement and applicability, and, sometimes, outright fraud, and if taken at face value, would falsify YEC in any case.
See How Creationists Lie To Us - Carbon Dating Hoax
And to those who say that scientists don't even test for 14C in dinosaur fossils, see
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