An active creationist Facebooker and 'tuber who styles himself as "Standing for Truth" challenged me to a Youtube debate over evidence for evolution.
Having seen his antics, putting up heckling content while his discussion partners were speaking, I declined, and offered the more mature option of a written debate.
He repeatedly declined, and he and his cronies repeatedly jeered at me for being a cowardy custard.
What a surprise! When I relented, and offered an exchange of Youtube presentations, he suddenly became too busy. Not only that, he blocked me from commenting on his facebook page and on his Youtube offerings. His page is @ Please feel free to post this to his page.
He had "challenged" me to discuss the creationist notion of "Variation Inducing Genetic Elements", supposedly the creationist answer to endogenous retroviruses, (see the link "ERV FAQ"), but was too busy to make a start.
So I have made a start. Let's see if custard can manage to stand up again.
My video is @
The text of the video, with links, is @
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